Author Archives: ffvadmin
This website is no longer used by the FFV…
Please note: The FFV has retired this website. Our new updated FFV website is at:
2024 FFV Annual Banquet – September 20th
Here is the September ‘Singing Reel’ Newsletter
FFV July 20th Picnic
Please note that instead of a standard dinner meeting we will be having a Swap meet/Picnic to be held at St. Michael’s Catholic Church, 4491 Springfield Rd, Glen Allen, VA 23060 from 3pm to 8pm on July 20th. The food will be served starting at 5pm. This will be a rain or shine event as there is plenty … Continue reading
FFV May 23rd Dinner Meeting
Our Thursday, May 23rd FFV Dinner meeting speaker will be FFV member and Mossy Creek Flyfishing proprietor Colby Trow… Please note this is the fourth Thursday of the month and not our usual third Thursday! Here is the May, 2024 Singing Reel Newsletter…
FFV March 21st, 2024 Dinner Meeting