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FFV July 20th Picnic

Posted by on June 25, 2024

Please note that instead of a standard dinner meeting we will be having a Swap meet/Picnic to be held at St. Michael’s Catholic Church, 4491 Springfield Rd, Glen Allen, VA 23060 from 3pm to 8pm on July 20th. The food will be served starting at 5pm. This will be a rain or shine event as there is plenty of protected space. You should have recently received an email with an attendance form. Please fill it out, whether you plan to attend or not. Deadline for making your reservations is Sunday, July 14th. We have to give the caterer a hard count so she knows how much food to prepare. The menu is:

Minced pork BBQ/slider rolls

Pulled chicken BBQ/slider rolls


Baked beans

Macaroni and cheese

Banana pudding and home baked brownies

Iced tea and lemonade

Last year’s event was a huge success and we are looking forward to another.

**Tickets for the Super Special Raffle will be available at the Swap Meet/Picnic. Cash or check only. Only 100 tickets will be sold so don’t procrastinate or you might be out of luck.

Purchase your Super Special Raffle tickets online!

Here is the July Singing Reel Newsletter